First steps

Hi and thank you for your interest. Here follows some basic instructions to access and run your first queries on SocioViz platform. If you need more details please have a look to the video tutorial or to the advanced guide.

SocioViz at glance

SocioViz is a social media analytics platform powered with Social Network Analysis metrics; actually is available for Twitter but in the near future will be extended to other main social media channels. The only prerequisite needed is having a Twitter account that will be used to query the Twitter API and gather results. Only for the first time you access the platform after registering you have to authorize your Twitter user to utilize the application in read-only mode.

SocioViz at a glance

Search parameters

In the Query field you could search for a single or multiple word/hashtag:

Operators Finds tweets…
made in Italy containing the tree words “made” “in” “italy” (case insensitive). Also the composite word madeinitaly and the hashtag #madeinitaly will match the query.
madeinitaly containing the word madeinitaly (case insensitive). Also the hashtag #madeinitaly will match the query
#madeinitaly containing hashtag #madeinitaly
"made in italy" containing the sentence "made in italy" (case insensitive)
from:realdonaldtrump sent by user @realdonaldtrump
@realdonaldtrump containing mentions to @realdonaldtrump
cat OR dog containing the word cat or the word dog or both
cat AND dog containing both words cat and dog
beer -root containing the word beer but not the word root
#brexit filter:retweets containing hashtag #brexit (tweets only)
#brexit -filter:retweets containing hashtag #brexit (retweets only)
pizza OR 🍕 containing word pizza or emoji 🍕

By default, specifying any other value, the last 100 tweets are extracted; clicking on From and To fields is possible to search 1 week in the past with a maximum of 5.000 tweets for each query. Please notice that number of concurrent searches and maximum of extracted tweets depends to your plan. Please subscribe a free plan and click on upgrade my plan for more details.

You could also filter by language using the Language menu.

SocioViz language operator

Type of searches

Actually there are two type of searches: historical and recurring.

Historical searches (in blue) allows you to search 1 week in the past with a maximum of 50.000 tweets for each query. Recurring searches (in green) collect tweets in “real-time” (new tweets are periodically collected and stored in groups of 100) with a maximum of 50.000 tweets per query. Please notice that recurring searches aren’t available for free plans and number of tweets extracted also depends to your plan. Please subscribe a free plan and click on upgrade my plan for more details.

Query details

Clicking on the lower right corner you could access the search report menu

The search report menu


The stacked area chart represents the volume of post (tweets and retweets) sent. The chart is downloadable clicking on the upper right menu. The table represents the top-10 of most utilized hashtags, sorted by frequency. Hashtags are normalized in lower-case.


Clicking on the lower right corner you could access the search report menu


The detail of tweets sent is available scrolling at bottom of the page or could be downloaded in various formats.



Most active users (tweets sent) in terms and most influential users (number of mentions/retweets received) are displayed in two tables.



Most used words and emoji are showed in two tables. From a semantic point of view some words have no informational value and are removed.

Words & Emoji

Words Network

Each word is represented with a circle (a node) and is connected to another word when there is a co-presence in the same tweet; different colors represent different cluster of arguments that frequently goes together.

Words Network

Users Network

Each user is represented with a circle (a node) and is connected to another user when there are interactions between them (RT or mentions). The nodes size are proportional to the number of RT and mention received, so is a good indicator of the influence of a particular person in a network of conversations; different colors represents different community where the dynamic of interactions are more frequent.

Users Networks

Emoji Network

Each emoji is represented with a circle (a node) and is connected to another emoji when there is a co-presence in the same tweet; different colors represent different cluster of arguments that frequently goes together.

Emoji Networks

Hashtags Network

Each hashtag is represented with a circle (a node) and is connected to another hashtag when there is a co-presence in the same tweet; different colors represent different cluster of arguments that frequently goes together.

Hashtags Network

If you need more details please have a look to the video tutorial or to the advanced guide.


Socioviz Limited Liability Company Viale Spolverini 44, 37131 Verona, Italy

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